Sunday, December 11, 2011

Hair Loss Cures - Alternative Treatments to Restore Hair Naturally

!±8± Hair Loss Cures - Alternative Treatments to Restore Hair Naturally

There are a lot of things you can do to successfully stop your hair from thinning. The important thing to keep in mind is that timing is everything when it comes to preventing baldness. The sooner you take action, the more likely you are to have good results. One of the fastest ways to get started is to use natural hair loss cures. This involves the use of natural remedies and simple lifestyle changes.

Increase Blood Flow to Your Scalp
A lack of blood flow to the head can cause the hair to start thinning. The blood carries minerals and vitamins to the roots to nourish the strands. If the blood flow is compromised, the strands will not receive adequate nutrition and the hair can start to fall out in clumps.

This is why a scalp massage is one of the most important hair loss cures. This is a simple and effective way to stimulate the flow of blood to the scalp. Also, massaging your scalp will get rid of excess dirt and debris which can clog the follicles and block out the nutrients.

Regular exercise and other forms of physical activity will improve circulation and the flow of blood throughout your entire body including your head. Activities such as jogging, biking, and swimming are good ways to stimulate a healthy blood flow.

Prevent Dryness
A dry scalp which has flaking and dandruff can cause you to lose hair. You can prevent this by applying olive oil to your hair and scalp. Olive oil is one of the most natural hair loss cures. It penetrates deep into the scalp to lift dirt and bacteria which can accumulate over time and clog the follicles. It also penetrates the strands and makes them stronger by providing them with protein and moisturizing them.

Herbal Hair Loss Cures
Green tea and nettle root extract are effective hair loss cures because they block the production of the hormone which causes male and female pattern baldness.

Hair Loss Cures - Alternative Treatments to Restore Hair Naturally

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Natural Dry Scalp Remedies

!±8± Natural Dry Scalp Remedies

Dry scalp, known for being itchy and scaly, can seem almost impossible to treat. Many sufferers go to dermatologists for prescription medication only to be disappointed to find it not working. In fact, the medication can even make it worse, causing scalp sores. In the past, these same people have turned to other dry scalp remedies to soothe the itching and burning. These remedies include natural, curative oils that, when used properly, can restore moisture to the scalp and hair.

Jajoba, Lavender and Carrot oil, when used together, restore moisture and act as a Vitamin E enriched seal on dry hair follicles. Lavender oil, known for treating hair loss due to itchy scalp, is no competition for Carrot oil and the liquid sun-shield it provides for your scalp. When combined, these oils can treat even the worst scalp conditions.

Rose oil, while expensive, makes hair follicles healthier by strengthening the root of the hair. Used in most perfumes, rose oil is considered a luxury in most countries and until recently was hard to attain. Not only does it moisturize, but it also leaves behind a very faint, floral smell that can last for days.

Patchouli and Palma Rosa oil are cell stimulators with anti-bacterial properties. They act as skin nutrients and regenerate cell growth on the scalp. Well-known in India, these oils are gaining popularity not just for dry, itchy scalp, but also for dry skin. Although they have the power to heal many health conditions, they are known best as dry scalp remedies.

Used alone or combined, massaging a small amount of these oils into your scalp every night will quickly alleviate your scalp issues. It is safe to let them soak in and work their magic for any length of time before shampooing, but even 5 minutes will do the trick.

The scalp cannot be returned to a healthy, natural state without using natural methods. Medications contain abrasive chemicals that may work in the short-term, but eventually cause problems to return and worsen. Dry scalp remedies were used long before modern medicine and worked well enough to be brought back into modern times. Natural oils do more than fix the problem, they cure it and can even prevent it from reoccurring.

Natural Dry Scalp Remedies

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